At Bonavox, listening is at the center of everything we do.
Your voice counts. We can disagree, but let’s do so respectfully.
Every few weeks we send an email reflecting on issues of empathetic leadership, change, and communication. Join the conversation!

The Great Resignation is here. Are you ready for it?
In our research at Bonavox, we’ve found that managers, in particular, are feeling the brunt of the change. They feel unsupported and ill-equipped. That’s why we put together this list of strategies you can use to improve your effectiveness as a leader in a virtual workplace.

K.I.S.S -- Keep It Simple St*pid
In our research at Bonavox, we’ve found that managers, in particular, are feeling the brunt of the change. They feel unsupported and ill-equipped. That’s why we put together this list of strategies you can use to improve your effectiveness as a leader in a virtual workplace.

3 Ways You Can Become a Better Virtual Leader
In our research at Bonavox, we’ve found that managers, in particular, are feeling the brunt of the change. They feel unsupported and ill-equipped. That’s why we put together this list of strategies you can use to improve your effectiveness as a leader in a virtual workplace.

Bonavox Spotlight: Josh Swann
Bonavox is a people-first company so we are excited to spotlight the good people who make up the Bonavox team. Today, we’d like to introduce you to Josh Swann.

Can Change Come From the Bottom?
The events of the last year have reminded us that social change CAN and DOES happen from the bottom. The groundswell of every day people paying attention and using their collective voice really does make a difference. But what about in a corporate environment? Can the same grassroots energy create change from the bottom up at your company? And should leadership encourage or resist this kind of change?

These 5 Questions Will Tell You If You Need External Change Support
How would you even know if your company needed external support to manage change successfully?
A huge percentage of change initiatives, 70% according to the Harvard Business Review, fail to meet their intended goals. We created this 5 question diagnostic test to help you know if it’s time to call in an expert.

Let’s Talk About: Belonging
Belonging is an often overlooked dimension of diversity.
Bonavox is in the business of change management so we’re asking the question: How do you change a company’s culture to include belonging? Keep reading to hear from our team of experts who have over a decade of experience in diversity, inclusion, and belonging (DI&B).

Let’s Talk About: Political Discourse in the Workplace
In a recent NY Times article, the chief executive of Price Waterhouse Cooper (PwC) Tim Ryan said: "If we can’t come together… [I]t wouldn’t be good for business.”
While instability might be bad for business, stability is not necessarily good for change. At Bonavox, we’re in the business of change management and see today’s partisanship as an important opportunity to bring up complex questions related to political discourse and company culture – especially when it comes to diversity, inclusion, and belonging.

Let’s Talk About: Making Change Last
As change management experts we know that a successful change initiative doesn’t end when the rollout does. Join our conversation to learn 5 ways to ensure your change initiative will go the distance.

Let’s Talk About: Change Resistors
Bonavox is kicking off a new, weekly series to talk about issues relating to empathetic leadership, change, and communication. We're calling it "The conversation starts here..." and our first question is: What's the best way to approach people within your organization who are resistant to change?

Bonavox Spotlight: Daniela Peltekova
Bonavox is a people-first company so we are excited to spotlight the good people who make up the Bonavox team. Today, we’d like to introduce you to Daniela Peltekova who brings a human-centered approach to her current project energizing change in patient advocacy.

Announcing the First Bonavox White Paper
Our white paper on empathy and the workplace includes 18 pages of exclusive research, insights, and action steps that you can take to start injecting empathy back into your workplace today.

Bonavox Spotlight: Samantha Curley
Bonavox is a people-first company so we are excited to spotlight the good people who make up the Bonavox team. Today, we’d like to introduce you to Samantha Curley. She’s been with Bonavox for almost 3 years and has recently started a new role as our Content Marketing Strategist.

5 Ways to Start Building an Empathetic Workplace Today
What is it going to take to inject empathy back into the workplace? While change doesn't happen overnight, we've created an acronym to help you remember 5 things you can start doing today to make your workplace richer and more empathetic.

From Forever Jobs to Corporate Raiders: The Departure of Empathy from the Workplace
Back in the day, the first company you worked for might likely be the company you retired from.

Bonavox Spotlight: Katherine Wallace
Bonavox is a people-first company so we are excited to spotlight the good people who make up the Bonavox team. We can’t wait to introduce you to our consultant Katherine Wallace. She is passionate about writing, diversity & inclusion, and her family.

Empathy & the Workplace: Why Now?
Our hypothesis is that the happiness equation will lead to a richer, more empathetic future that is better for employers and employees. But why are we having this conversation now?

Delivering Difficult Messages with Dignity
We recently shared this article by Jack Kelley at Forbes about some harsh “Black Mirror” style Zoom firings happening as a result of COVID-19. This inspired us to share a story about a corporate executive that our CEO Ron Kraft interviewed during his research for our “Empathy & the Workplace” online seminar.

The Happiness Equation
As companies adapt to COVID-19, we’ve identified "The Happiness Equation" as a way to inject empathy back into the workplace for 20/20 and beyond.

Back To The Future
Over the last 2 months, Bonavox Group has interviewed dozens of diverse business leaders about how their companies and industries are being impacted by COVID-19. The consensus is loud and clear – as businesses reopen, our workplaces aren’t going back to the past, they’re going back to the future.
"Leaders with empathy do more than sympathize with people around them: they use their knowledge to improve their companies in subtle, but important ways."
—Daniel Goleman (author and science journalist, 12 years at The New York Times)