DEI Maturity Assessment
In a company of any size, nothing changes that isn’t measured.
Diverse communities haven’t gained much ground in management over the past 20 years despite organizational commitments to corporate diversity -- this according to the Harvard Business Review. You probably know you should be doing more. But where are you and where do you begin?
The Bonavox Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Maturity Assessment will help you develop an action plan by providing the data from which you can measure your progress. Of course, to attract and retain the best talent you need to ensure that every employee feels included and as if they belong.
Let’s take a look at what’s in the assessment:
Qualitative Data
Percentage of representation of diverse communities
Company vs. Industry vs. U.S.
Company vs. communities you operate in
Company vs. communities you serve
Pay gap analysis
Economic impact of supplier diversity efforts
Comprehensive, easy to read DEI Scorecard
Interpretive Data
What does diversity mean:
To leadership?
To employees?
To your stakeholders
What questions are your stakeholders asking?
Do you want to be “as good?” Or better?
What are the consequences of inaction?
Still have questions?
Schedule a free consultation with one of our change management experts today!