5 Ways to Start Building an Empathetic Workplace Today

During our research on empathy and the workplace of the future, we identified three key learnings:

  1. We are going back to the future, not back to the past.

  2. More empathy will make us happier and ultimately improve the bottom line.

  3. You can start building a more empathetic future today.

So what is it going to take to inject empathy back into the workplace?

While change doesn't happen overnight, we've created an acronym to help you remember 5 things you can do today to start making your workplace richer and more empathetic.

T is for TIME

Take your time and always think before you act.

H is for HUMANS

We promise you 100% of your employee are humans so treat them as such. An easy example might be If you ask people how they are, make sure you’re listening to their answer.

I is for INTELLIGENT Design

Make people feel safe and protected. One large professional services company we talked to sent care packages containing masks, sanitizer and other PPE to every employee when offices closed in March 2020. 

N is for NORMALIZE your workplaces

We are not going back to the office like we used to. Look for ways to find the right mix of office and virtual presence that works for your company’s success and your employees’ happiness.


Respect your colleagues’ intelligence and be transparent. If you’re hiding or even heavily shading the truth people will sense you’re not being authentic – especially Millennials.

With the acronym T.H.I.N.K. as your guide, you can begin to build the workplace of the future, a place where employees are agile enough to accept all the changes demanded by this moment.

If you're curious to know more, contact us to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.


Bonavox Spotlight: Samantha Curley


From Forever Jobs to Corporate Raiders: The Departure of Empathy from the Workplace