Leading Through Uncertainty Starts with Self-Leadership
From all of us at Bonavox Group, we hope you, your colleagues, and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy. If you’re anything like us, perhaps you’re experiencing levels of stress and anxiety that are incomparable to anything you’ve felt before. You are not alone.
When working in high stakes, high stress environments, Bonavox starts by asking the right questions and actively listening to our clients. In that spirit, here are three questions you can ask yourself right now to become a better leader during uncertainty.
1. What are you grateful for?
Gratitude comes in many forms. Are you grateful for your health? Your job? For the frontline workers serving our country during this pandemic? Here in Los Angeles, we’re grateful for sunshine.
On the flip side, we’re guessing there are at least a few things not going your way right now. Your company might be losing revenue or missing important milestones. You might be struggling to teach your kids at home or really missing the “normal” stuff of life. In times of uncertainty, it’s okay to be grateful for some things and at the same time feel bad about others. Even in Los Angeles, the sun doesn’t shine all the time.
2. Where can you innovate?
Good leaders instinctively know where to find a silver lining. You thrive in reimagining, redesigning, and pivoting. Are you seeing opportunities to grow into new markets? Transfer to a digital system? Launch your next product?
You might be feeling like now is your time to shine, but don’t forget that change – especially in the midst of so much uncertainty – can be exhausting. Be kind to yourself and your team. Which leads us to the third, and final, question.
3. Are you being transparent?
No one knows what’s going to happen next month, let alone next year. Being honest in the midst of uncertainty is critical for any leader. Once you’ve done a reality check with yourself, be sure you’re sharing information with your team. We’re in a time where you really can’t over-communicate, whether the news is good, bad, or even ugly.
If you’re wondering how you can communicate better during this time of uncertainty, or if you just want to check in with someone outside your company for perspective on how to lead in uncertain times, reach out and schedule a free consultation. We’re here to listen.