Bonavox does one thing and we do it exceedingly well — Human Change Management


Seventy percent (70%) of all transformational change initiatives fail to meet their desired outcome because setting a new course isn’t limited to org charts or new systems.


Lasting success hinges on connecting with and energizing your stakeholders.

Fist Bump

Change is exquisitely complex.

The movement of stakeholders from where they are today to where you need them to be tomorrow is one of the most exquisitely complex challenges facing companies today. How do you persuade employees and partners to think differently, do differently, talk differently, and ultimately be different?


Bonavox delivers eloquent and elegant organizational outcomes.

Since 2011, Bonavox has been helping companies measurably improve the adoption of change initiatives. Our strategic skills coupled with our attention to detail lead to eloquent and elegant organizational outcomes, even in the most high-risk change environments.

Hands United

Bonavox understands what it takes to make human change initiatives succeed.

As a company, we’ve witnessed countless human change initiatives fail because they present change as more informational than aspirational. More transactional than strategic. More in the head than from the heart. More coy than honest. Thoroughly safe but completely uninspired. Communicated yet unheard (and therefore rarely fully adopted.)

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Every few weeks we send an email reflecting on issues of empathetic leadership, change, and communication. Our goal is to help you to become a better leader or team member.

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What people are saying…

“My team was implementing a Compliance Quality System, including the launch of a new Code of Conduct for all employees. [Bonavox] was instrumental in the successful project rollout: [they] contributed creative thinking, passionate advocacy and empowering support.”

— TZ, US Biotech Startup

Let’s Work Together

While the immensity and complexity of change may be daunting, talking through the challenge can help clarify what you’ll need to get from where you are today to where you need to be tomorrow. After all, every great journey begins with a single step. Call us for a free consultation.